Posted: October 24, 2017
Happy Halloween furiends! It's one of the most anticipated holidays of the year! Halloween is almost here and we all know what time it is! It's dress up time! When we finally have an excuse to be silly and dress up in or favorite characters. The one time of the year where you can enjoy the absurd, the super cute, and hilarious almost everywhere you go! Let's not forget to dress up our furry friends so they can get in on the fun too, because the laughter is absolutely contagious! Here are our top 5 favorite doggie costumes!
#1 Biker Dawg Jacket in Pink Who's Ready to Ride! PURE Pink Hotness! Walk or
jackets. Biker Dawg ready for Halloween!
Say Ye` want to dress your Pup up like a Pirate Aye! Johnny
Depp will not be the best known Pirate after this! Your Dog makes the rules
when their wear this Cute/Sweet Swashbuckler Captain Costume! Aye-Aye-Mate!
#4 Wonder Woman Cape Dog Costume
#5 Pumpkin Pet Dog Costume